Thursday, July 26, 2007

lost - yes I am!

I have just finished watching the last episode of Lost, which I have stuck by and watched after the last few years, but tonight is the first time I have had to check up on the web site to figure out what on earth was going on!!! and when I did and proudly told dh he replied 'you didnt figure that out yourself?' - apparently he did! so now I know what is going on I will eagerly await the next season! lol!

The last few days have had a touch of spring in them, the weather has just been gorgeous, so much so that I have walked to school to pick Jacob up, 30mins each way, add an extra 10mins with Jacob and all the 'why did we have to walk home' and 'I hate walking', so I think I'll leave the walks without a tired school boy! lol! I have spent most of the last few days outside with the kids, they all love playing outside and its been nice just pottering around in the garden,

Ella finally began to crawl properly today and she likes to head straight for Bethany and grabs whatever she is playing with - its so cute! I don't think I'll be thinking that in a few weeks though! shes also trying to stand up and she does if shes got something to help pull her up, shes 10 months old tomorrow - shes growing so quick.

well my brains a bit sore from all the Lost theories so I better head of to bed!


Gayle said...

Well maybe I need to go on the lost sight too, cause I didn't get it

Karen L said...

Same here - I got LOST as well, although I guess I haven't been a big follower, unlike other members in this family.
It is nice to get a bit of that spring weather isn't it. We've had the coldest winter in a long time, but this last week has just been glorious - hope it stays around.