Saturday, May 3, 2008

After a long absence...

I have returned! I thought that maybe a month had passed since I had last blogged but I was surprised to see it is nearly 2 months!

So what have I been up to lately? not a great deal, a fair bit of scrapping! on last count I had finished about 40 pages so far this year, I think I have come to the point where I just need to get rid of all the new accumulated products that just seem to find a way to my desk!

I have posted a few photos of the kids, Jacob turned 9 a couple of weeks ago, we gave him a couple of hermit crabs - another thing to add to my feeding and cleaning list! the kids and I have grown quite fond to 'herbie and hermie'!
Ella is growing so quickly and I seem to get asked if Bethany and Ella are twins! they are so cute together although I have noticed lately that they are starting to annoy each other a bit, I usually hide in another part of the house! lol! I am so blessed with my kids especially Jacob and his sweet natured spirit - he is such a blessing in helping me with the girls and keeping them entertained.

Here is also a layout of the girls I did a while ago titled A priceless photo, Bethany was all dressed up in her princess outfit and Ella was in her wiggles tights, her squeky shoes and a fairy skirt (a mismatched outfit!) they just looked really cute but really daggy at the same time!!

Well I better be of, Mark just got home from the footy, I dont want to find out if his team won - because I really dont care! lol! and he just told me they did, doh.

I am planning on returning regularly to the cyber world after a bit of a break, I will also be off to Qld in November for the Scrap of Faith retreat which will be quite exciting!

Anyway till next time - and it will be within a couple of months! lol!


Karen L said...

Natlaie is is so good to your an update on your blog. The photos of the children are gorgeous. So excited that we are finally going to meet IRL in November. Looking forward to it.

Emily said...

FINALLY!!! You are back! I love the photos! And the new layout of your blog - nice work ;)

Carolina said...

Good to see you back, but it's good to have a break every now and again... keeps us avid readers in suspense LOL! Loving your LO's as usual too :)

Anonymous said...

what a photogenic family you have!They certainly don't get that from their grandma! Beuatiful pictures.