Friday, November 23, 2007

more, more and more layouts!

Here are some more layouts from me, 'moments to cherish' is of a photo of Mark and Bethany, a lovely photo I took of them just at the right moment!

'tis love' is of Mark and I, I was just playing around with this one, wanting to use up the Basic Grey paper I had and the 7 gypsies tape which I used as a border for the photo

I took these photos of Bethany ('spring rain') when it began to rain one day a couple of weeks ago and as it doesnt rain here alot I let her play in it for a few minutes - and she loved it!!

'little ray of sunshine' is of Ella taken funnily enough out in the sunshine!

and the last one 'this makes me smile' is an older photo of Ella and Mark a simple layout but I love the photo and Ellas gorgeous smile!

life is becoming more busier lately as we head nearer to birthdays - my little sister with hers on Sunday! and each weekend from now until Christmas is all booked up with something on!! and only 3 weeks till school holidays (and my birthday!) how fast has this year gone?

I'll try and be back soon! I have been doing a few of the page projects lately and have had trouble finishing one before starting another! lol! at the moment Im doing a ribbon holder I picked up from Spotlight from Kaiser, have been after something to store my ribbons and at $10 this should turn out pretty good (Im hoping!)

1 comment:

Karen L said...

Wow Natalie you have been busy. I love these layouts you have done and wish that I could get in and get a few done also. Sounds like your household is going through a pretty busy time also.