Monday, June 30, 2008

another month gone!

Another month has gone without those extra postings I always say I will do! but I do have a good excuse tho, we all came down with the awful flu that is going around plus with the end of financial year Mark was working overtime plus! but thankfully we are all better now and things are settling down again for Mark, even tho Mark had been working so much he was still so much help to me when I wasn't very well and struggling a bit - what a blessing he is to me!!

Anyway I have tons of layouts (not literally!) heres a few that I have photographed first up is 'My daddys loving hand', is of Ella holding Marks hand,

next 'a toddler moment' is of Ella again throwing one of her tantrums, which she is famous for especially at the shops, I had one of those moments with her the other day at the shopping center, we had been there a while as I was birthday shopping for my Mum and by the time I was in the last shop she was out of the double pram wanting to walk so I had to pick her up which started one of her screaming rages and as she went all stiff I had to carry her under my arm while pushing this awful pram, every now and then I had to put her down as my arm was killing me and I thought it may stop her crying but no she proceeded to scream and lay down on the ground - by this stage I was past caring what people were thinking! and I was a bit like Moses parting the sea with her as everyone just got out of my way!! thankfully Bethany was as quiet as a mouse and just sat in her seat!

'feel the sunshine' is of Bethany, she loves looking at my layouts, especially the ones I do about her,

'you make me happy' is of Jacob,

and last one 'my dear children' is obviously my children, Bethany is on top then Ella then Jake - I love that photo! and the paper, its one of the new Sassafrass Lass lines, I loved the dear, reminds me of Bambi.

Thanks for looking!! and a big Hello to Leanne, wheres your blog hey?


Anonymous said...

Well those lovely pictures brightened un a rainy dull day

Karen L said...

Sorry to hear you guys have had that dreaded flu Natalie - so pleased to hear that you have all recovered now. Another gorgeous lot of layouts.

Chrissy said...

What sweet shares of your munchkins love!! So sorry to read you've all had that awful flu, praying you are all 100% recovered from it now.

Hugs. xx