Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday catch up

Back again with some more layouts - a few pink ones today!

First up is 'Pretty girl' starring Bethany - my little photogenic girl! I used KI Memories paper for this one, one of my fav papers to use!

Next one titled 'two sisters' is of Bethany and Ella playing around in Bethanys bed, the sub title reads 'who like to climb into made beds' at the moment they like to either get under the sheets in our bed or Bethanys bed during the day, which means I have to remake the same beds over and over!

Third up 'yummy' is a layout of myself and Bethany making her birthday cake - thanks to Jacob for taking the pictures!

Last one 'eating ice cream at Nanas' is a layout I completed for a challenge on the Aussie
scrap source blog, the criteria was that you had to use Tinkering Ink paper, I didnt realise that people can vote for these layouts and sadly no one has voted for mine yet (sniff sniff)
They have a great challenge over the next month if anyone is after a bit of a challenge, I have just about finished my next 2 - hopefully I may get a vote or 2 for those!!

Well thats about it for my week, school is back, the girls are well enough to go back in to the creche at gym, which means Im able to work out again pumping some iron, so life is in a routine again! - still there never seems enough hours in a day to finish things!


Emily said...

How can no one have voted for yours?? That layout is so sweet and someone took some great photos!! Give me the address so i can go vote!!

Emily said...

Oh right - silly me - i just found the page and i voted! Seriously though i checked them all out & didn't vote for you cos your my sis but because it was my fav layout!!

Karen L said...

These are gorgeous layouts Natalie - can't understand why they weren't voted for. I love them - you have been on such a roll with your scrapbooking lately.

Naomi said...

Oh they are so sweet Natalie. So pink and girly. I really like them.

Emily said...

where are you?? Where are your beautiful layouts??
Congrats on your published layout btw :)